Monday, 7 June 2010

A boy from out of the blue!

Well bugger me I was walking back up from checking Bannock who is still holding onto her cria at 357 days when I saw Poppy standing on her own by the shed. As I neared I could also see a wibbly wobbly head on a little neck! Poppy is at 33o days today and has produced her first ever cria, a dark brown boy. He weighed in at a reasonably healthy 7.5 kilos but as you can see has very floppy ears.
His teeth have erupted and he seems strong although it took him a little while to get used to his legs. Poppy on the other hand is knackered!

He hasn't been named yet as Poppy is actually owned by my parents so we are waiting for a name from them. He has been feeding well and they both seem to be doing well. He is another Jack of Spades cria which now makes four so far.

Whilst I was out there I bagged a few snaps of the three beautiful girls who preceded him.

Reeya, very pretty, very inquisitive and very friendly like her mother, Dee.

Lily's gorgeous black cria, Runa, a real live wire.

And lastly Ruby May, absolutely stunning in every way and surprisingly turning black!


Unknown said...

Congratulations to your Mum and Dad Mark... What great photos of the gorgeous girls. They are looking great!

L said...

Oh wow, what a surprise. He looks great though. Wonder what your parents will name him.

Lorna Penfold said...

Ahhhh what an amazing, wonderful time you are all having in Patou land! xxx

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

What a wonderful surprise...and he is early going on dates !..for a maiden..she has done you very proud !....Poppy is a very beautiful doubt her son will be equally as handsome !!....Congratulations.....Jayne

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Nice work Mum (Poppy)- just pop them out while the boss is looking the other way!

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

They do like to keep us on our toes, al least she waiting until you got back from the show.

He looks lovely - again!

Terry said...

Poppy has just become my favorite of your herd. She's beautiful! I especially like the second photo of her.