Saturday, 14 August 2010

Tears in the shed.

I think everyone should go out and buy as much of it as possible. I think the Lavender farmers should all be knighted and have instant access to millions of free money. We will shortly be moving to Provence where we will spend all day rolling around in the lavender fields. When we are not rolling in it we will be sniffing it and playing with it or simply just gazing at it with love in our eyes.

Why? Well you must have guessed! Let me tell you a little story.

I have just come back from the 6am feed and am beside myself. I approached an unusually quiet shed and entered. I grabbed Roger and clamped him between my legs and commenced bottle feeding. He took two sucks then pulled away and walked over to his Mum, not unusual. He normally does this and gets a kick and a faceful for his troubles. Only this time Poppy stood there and watched him go under whereby he then fed for 5 minutes!!!!!!!!!

I daren't move a muscle. In fact the only muscles working were the ones that were pushing tears into my eyes. After 10 days of rejection Poppy seems to have finally accepted her son back!


Thanks to everyone who commented, phoned, e-mailed etc but hopefully the mini-crisis in Patouland is over. Lavender, you've just got to love it!


Tracey Hey said...

Fantastic news! Well done you guys, what a relief for you and little Roger!

Unknown said...

Brilliant news Mark...well done for all your efforts...a very emotional start...a can feel a litle tear just imagining the scene.

Louise Maidment said...

well done Mark! It's making me feel all emotional!!

Amiryck said...

Brilliant news

Rob @ Wellground said...

Nice one Mark, well done mate.


Terry said...

Oh, I'm so happy for you all! When I saw the title of the post, I feared the worst.

L said...

That's so great! I love lavender oil too= great for all sorts of ailments! Well done.

Knapper Alpakka said...

That's wonderful Mark!! You stuck with it for 10 days! We were exhausted after two!!! Like you we held our breth when he walked up and mum stood still, what a wonderful feeling. Bottlefeeding does get old quickly... Well done mark, we bow to your resillience and excellent stamina! :-D Very happy for you, cria and mum!

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Thats..the best !! Im chuffed to bits...that the lavendar oil worked...much nicer than my suggestion..anyway. ;-( What a fantastic result....WELL DONE...we all will sleep well tonight !......Jayne