Friday, 24 June 2011

Woody's recovery!

Firstly, can I say thank you for all the comments and good wishes about Woody. After two days and nights in the intensive care shed he has made a seemingly remarkable recovery and I have just been out to take a few pictures of the little monkey.

Here he is chasing Sabrina, doesn't look like there is much wrong with him there!

Here he is with Sahara, looking rather handsome.

And now without any distractions, posing for the camera.

We'll be keeping a close eye on him but I think we can safely say that he has overcome whatever it was that was ailing him. An amazing transformation from a few days ago.

Lastly, a picture of Sabrina, full sister to Ruby May and pretty much identical in every way!

One last thing for any readers who used to pick this blog up on Facebook. It will no longer appear there as I have removed myself.  


Jenny said...

Was it something we said on Facebook? You were my first ever friend on Facebook too! We were so pleased you had the antibiotic big guns for Woody - Baytril. Can't get any better than the best! He is looking so good now, long may it continue.

Cotswold Vale Alpacas said...

So glad woody's doing well, he certainly looks like a stunning little man, as do all your other cria.


Bev said...

We too have a sick boy at the moment, one year old, also on antibiotics, I recognise that scary head too heavy to hold up posture. Also unexplained, which is even more scary, waiting for blood results. So hugs to Woody, and fingers crossed.

Amiryck said...

Looks like he is doing really well, long may it continue.

Knapper Alpakka said...

Great news! And he looks great :-)

Sorry to see you leave Facebook, though.

Unknown said...

So glad to see Woody looking so well.

Sorry I didn't notice that you had left Facebook Mark;))

L said...

Glad the wee lad recovered.... how on earth did I miss that?