Tuesday 24 June 2008

Stern talking to in the field.

Right the day job will take a back seat now as I have three days off.

This normally means that the heavens will open and I will be reduced to inside or 'dry day' jobs.

However, I think the weather is going to hold for a few days. I don't take any notice of weather forecasts as previously mentioned but I have had a good look around, eaten some moss, pulled a few branches and studied the cloud formations. Job done, prediction is, three dry warm days.

I have just come back from the top 'lardy girls about to unpack' paddock and I have to say we had a bit of a stern chat. I called Priscilla, Judy, Joy and Milarka into a bit of a huddle and we had a few words. Well I had a few words anyway. They mostly looked at me, ruminating, flicking their ears, I was almost waiting for the rear leg lift that precedes the frontal scratch that immediately brings on the comic farting but no, some respect today.....at last. They listened or at least pretended to.

Anyway the reason for the chat was to inform them that I would be around for the next three days and I would have my 'birthing kit' at the ready. Furthermore that I was highly likely to be creeping around in the long grass ready to shock them into action, especially on Friday.
On reflection it was a big mistake telling them which day, I will have lost a lot of the surprise factor there.

I hope the neighbours weren't watching. They do you know, they told me. They watch from across the valley through binoculars. That almost curbed our (Angus and myself) habit of freedom weeing. It's a further deterrent for foxes you know, very scientific.

Actually I have three busy days. There are more nettles to strim. I have to arrange for the field to be cut and I have various admin and gardening type jobs to do. I also have to take all the boys over to Jo and Steve Ings tomorrow to get started on eating their grass. I will be flying solo for most of the day but Sue will hopefully be home to help load up.

As I am off I will probably have time to right this blog and might have tales to tell.............mmm....... alright mostly it will be mindless drivel but hey ho its good therapy.

As usual preceding my days off I am far too excited for a 45 year old lump to be.

I refuse to grow up though and no one can make me so there.

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