Friday, 15 August 2008

Cria photos

Sheeting down outside as I write, luckily I was out yesterday taking a few snaps of some of this years cria.

The latest addition to the Patou herd, a spankingly good looking Cambridge Centurion boy out of Bannock. We thought long and hard about his name and decided on Patou Alacazam. Al for short. He just looks so shiny and curly and sparkly it just seemed to fit.
Avon Water Minna, Milarka's cria by Accoyo Killawasi and Avon Water Nonni no name (still waiting) who is out of Avon Water Monique sired by Cambridge Centurion.

Nonni no name is in my opinion absolutely gorgeous. A seriously good looking fawn girl with a very dense crimpy fleece.

The bruiser boys, Orchard Blackjack (Wellground Joy and Cambridge Centurion) and the great lump that is Patou Jonah (Patou Priscilla and Canchones Witness of Inca)

Notice that in the pictures of the girls they are all in profile ready to run away. Joe and Jack just stand there daring me to come closer. There is also proof in the background that Joy does spend most of her time standing in a bucket of water.

Tomorrow more writing and less pictures, maybe!


Gerry said...

No comments yet Mark? Oh well, here's mine anyway to fill a gap. The crias look beautiful - healthy, top quality. The mighty Patou herd becomes mightier yet!

Patou Alpacas said...

Thanks Gerry. I do check and as I have said before I do get excited when I see a comment, it is good for me. You are a star.

We had another cria today, a beautiful boy, wrong sex but right colour.

Have been very busy today just being a Dad so maybe a blog entry tomorrow.

L said...

What beautiful crias - they are all top notch, stunning wee things! Well done.