The holiday was very much that, a holiday. We saw the bright lights and sights of Sydney and Melbourne, rented houses on the beach, watched humpback whales frollicking in the southern ocean at very close range and generally did a lot of holiday things. We have hundreds of photographs and many, many great memories. It lived up to it's billing, it was a holiday of a lifetime.
Part of the brief was that we wouldn't be visiting any alpaca farms. We just didn't have time, we weren't there for long enough. It was important that it was a holiday and that I didn't hi-jack it and make it an alpaca trip. I was happy not to, we spent some real quality time together. That was important.
However, we did stay at one alpaca farm.
We were lucky enough to be invited to stay at Van Diemen Alpacas in Tasmania with our friends Bob, Diane and Ben Hey, close relatives of the Earl of Inca.
Whilst we were there we just happened to have been shown their lovely herd of alpacas, well we couldn't NOT look at them could we? Immediately our attention was drawn to a super looking young brown male. He further interested us when we opened up his fleece. When we realised that it was possible to buy this young male we just couldn't help ourselves. In our eyes, and under close scrutiny he is an absolute stunner. Not only that but he came in our favourite alpaca colour.
Let me introduce you to Van Diemen Qjori (soon to be 'of Patou').
Here he is wearing the ribbons that he has won this year in Tasmania. Quite a collection I think you will agree.

There, the news is out, I'm exhausted and am off to have a large glass of something fruity.
He looks tunning, well done you! I thought you would do well not to come back with someone.
That should have said stunning!!!
My hands couldn't keep up with my brain.
Nice one Patou-man. Where's the fleece shot then?
Paul Rippon
Barnacre Alpacas
Barnman, no sounds wrong, too Pubby, how about Acreman? No that's wrong, sounds too painful. Barnacreman? no too will have to be Paul!
Sadly I don't have a fleece shot, other than the one in my head but there will hopefully be one soon!
Believe me, it's good! you on your purchase....Im surprised you couldn't fit him in the suitcase...WOW ..he looks a real stunner. You must be exhausted keeping that secret !! did the news is out its time to Celebrate !!...YipEEEE !!...Jayne
Great news... I am surprised you have entrusted Ben to deliver that precious parcel - LOL (only joking Ben!).
I look forward to meeting him!
Loooooovely - can I have one too? Best of luck with him. He'll be great for you.
He looks great. Beautiful colour :-)
Good for you!
Well done. He should hopefully arrive with you for mating season as well.
Sarah and Perry
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