Thursday, 26 November 2009

A sad day at Patou

It was a sad day at Patou yesterday. The alpacas are fine, the kittens are fine but one of the magnificent mad labs, Bryn, had come to the end of the road.

He was nearly 13 yrs old and had recently developed a very vigorous and huge tumour under his ribs. Surgery was ruled out for various reasons and Sue and I had to make the decision that is so difficult for owners of pets. He was still able to go out for short walks but had lost interest in food and just wasn't doing what a dog should do. He wasn't a mad lab anymore, he was a sad lab and that just isn't right for a dog.

Sue, being an absolute trooper took the day off work to greet the vet and be with Bryn to the very end. I went to work with the knowledge that the deed would be done at 11.30. In hindsight I wished I hadn't known.
For those of you who don't know I am a Policeman. I work in Salisbury in the training department taking new recruits out on the streets to guide them until they are able to handle the job by themselves. At 11.15 I was sitting in a busy parade room surrounded by experienced and not so experienced Police Officers. I received a text from Sue and this big bald hulk of a twit burst into tears in front of a rather startled audience.

Bryn was the nicest natured and most gentle dog I have ever known and was loved by everyone who ever met him. He will be missed here for a long time.
We loved him very much, he was one of the family.
I was going to write more but I can't see properly.


Amiryck said...

Sorry to hear your sad news. At least you were able to avoid him having to suffer any more than necessary.

He will be chasing rabbits somewhere really nice now!

Hugs to you all.


Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

It is a horrible decision to have to make, but just remember the great life you gave him.

Best wishes from Barnacre.

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Totally understand Mark - I had to make that decision with one of ours - no doubt you did the right thing for him, and that, along with the good memories has to be your comfort.regards, Dave.

L said...

So hard to let go, but as you said, it has to be done. I've had to do the same with various pets and recently Astra and it is never easy. Best wishes to you all xxx

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Sorry to read of your sad loss of your pal and best friend Bryn. That road dosen't get any easier no matter how may times you have to walk it. Its heart breaking, I hope that your happy memories see you through this sad time and that in time your memories will put a smile on your face, instead of tears.....thinking of you all.... LOL ....Jayne

Perry Wheeler said...

Awful to go through. It doesn't get any easier. Our thoughts are with you

Terry said...

I'm so very sorry for you in the loss of your lap Patou. But how wonderful that he had a loving family.