Thursday, 30 June 2011

Where did that week go?

It would appear that I have not blogged for a week! Well where the hoo-dar-dey-doe did that week go?
I know I did an eight day stretch at the day job and am now on the third of three days off before returning to the day job tomorrow but what has happened to my spare time? It just seems to be go, go, go, here at the moment, no more cria but plenty else happening and not enough time to recount everything. I will endeavour over the week ahead to keep you all up to date. I know you could give a monkey's whatnot but I will tell you anyway.

At the moment we are trying to keep tabs on some very lively looky likey brown cria. Columbus has given us five brown ones so far and three of them are almost identical. The other two, Sirrocco and Saracen are simply ginormous, absolute behemoths both of them, Saracen is so big he is a little bit scary.

Anyway the other three little pumpkins, allow me to have a go at getting their names right:

Ok, I am pretty certain that this is little Scout, our youngest and smallest cria. Here he is doing that weird 'one front leg up' thing that they do.

Next is the little munchkin herself, Spirit. As gorgeous as gorgeousness itself.

Here is a picture of the three of them........ who knows which one is which? At a guess I would say from left to right, Woody, Scout and Spirit, about right I reckon. Exactly the same colour, mothers are black, light fawn and medium fawn. Good old Clump!

Here is the third member of the brown triumverate, Sherwood, or Woody as he is affectionately known. As you can see he has made a complete recovery from his chest infection and is a real live wire. I know it's him because of the shaved patch on his neck, I may shave a design into the fleeces of the other two actually, for identification purposes of course.

Lastly here is a picture of Patou Rosa, a Columbus cria from last year. Those of you who know Herr Clumpmeister will appreciate that Rosa is a spitting image of her dad.

Now, can I watch some ladies tennis please?


Cotswold Vale Alpacas said...

I know what you mean the time just flys by, some days I don't even know what day it is!!

What gorgeous colored babies, love them, I love that brown colour, such a soft warm colour. Ginnie

Rosemary said...

Lovely colour those babies - and they look remarkably identical! I think I am beginning to have rather a liking for brown alpacas!

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

fab, fab and more fab!

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Lovely additions Mark - have you tried calling out a name to see which one looks up? just a thought...

Unknown said...

A box of chocolates...I could eat them all...yummy!

Unknown said...

Oops just realised that might sound bad now (especially after my last blog)...I mean that they look delicious in the most gorgeous of ways!

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Very a brownish sort of way.....!! Looks like we are heading in the 'brown direction too'......but not for thinks !.......Jayne

Bev said...

Are you sure you haven't been doing some photoshopping to produce that identical colour, or will it be washing off in the rain - it's seems unfeasible to me from three such different mothers. Having just seen a multi colour spotted aplaca (Judi's Annabelle at Grand-Mere) I'm beginning to get very scepticle...

L said...

Oh they are gorgeous - peas in a pod. I am so behind with the blogs. You appear to have thousands of crias now!