One of those in contention is a young male who no longer lives here but who lives along the road, about 3 miles away, with Jo and Steve Ings. His name is Bo Jangles and he is without doubt the most dapper alpaca I have ever seen.

Bo was born here in the summer of 2007 and to be honest when I saw him falling out of the back of Priscilla my first thought was not 'Ooh what a dapper alpaca!', no, my first thought was more along the lines of 'What the hell is that?' It was a brown cria with white markings on his face, white socks and black feet. I was disappointed I have to say. Here he is a few hours old with his mother, Priscilla.

Once Bo had grown up a bit and dried off he became something very different. He became the most dapper alpaca in the world. No doubt about it and the picture below illustrates that beautifully. Any disagreements will result in a visit from me in the wee hours to cause mischief in your sock drawer I warn you. Bo became a favourite here and was frequently spoken of in terms of 'Oh, we'll never sell Bo, he is too special'. Bo was a real character too, always sticking his nose in and always in the thick of things.

He had a very good buddy with him in Apollo who came from Charlie and Louise at Orchard Alpacas for us to sell on their behalf. Bo and Apollo became inseperable and would play fight for hours, entertaining us at the same time.
It became clear that these two should stay together and when Jo and Steve came looking for three boys to have as pets we made the decision, a sensible one I know, to sell Bo so that he could stay with Apollo. Now I know it was a sensible decision but I am not a sensible man and I still wonder about that decision. Thankfully Bo is just up the road and he is enjoying a very nice life with his chums.

In fact I visited Bo, Bingo, Apollo And Cosimo last weekend for a bit of toenail trimming and was very pleased to see that Bo and his chums are in tip top condition and being spoilt rotten, splendid stuff.

This posting is in response to a gentle complaint from Jo that Bo hadn't appeared on the side of the new trailer. I hope that this will make amends Jo and I hope that you enjoyed the pictures of a your very dapper alpaca.
Great looking alpaca, Mark! Excellent brown colour.
Now...Mark if you know me by now !'ll know what Im about to say !......Why !...he's Mighty Fine....and I don't know how you could have !....I think he's a Very Handsome Chap indeed !.....just mind kind of guy !....Jayne
Isn't he the biz...I'm surprised that he got past Jayne!
I didn't know about him !...Barbara, he would have looked nice in the Zanzibah Group !!.....Jayne
Wow! That's one striking looking alpaca! Love the socks.
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