I have wittered on about Qjori (pronounced Cory) before, some may say I have spouted enough about him, well it's my blog and he's my boy and that's the way it is! Prepare to repel more rambling dribblings for I feel a right old spitoonfull coming on.
Yesterday the sun was shining on a bitterly cold Wiltshire morning, a brisk northerly breeze was biting through our clothes chilling us as the sun's warm rays attempted to penetrate those same clothes in order to warm us, a battle between wind and sun, marvellous. Sue and I took the opportunity to grab Qjori's halter, his ribbons and the camera and set out to get 'that' photograph. We changed location, the wind blew, we photographed him facing one way and then the other, with and without his ribbons. I wanted to get it right. I tried photographing on my knees as Sue expertly lead the Qjorimester around. Eventually I found myself lying flat on the ground amongst the alpaca 'beans'.
I wanted to get it right because, and I'm sure you will agree, we all look at or watch our alpacas and see them at their very best. We see them as we would like others to see them. We see them strike that pose, stand proud, look macho, look cute, look powerful, look motherly, all depending on how they behave or how they should look, how we want them to look, in essence how they are.
I wanted to capture a bit of that in Qjori so that you could see him as I see him. So that you could see him as he is. And do you know what? I think we have got very close indeed.
Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is our boy. Van Diemen Qjori of Patou.
Right, you are spared any more drivel as I must remove my trousers immediately.