Monday, 3 November 2008

Back to the drivel

Right after the serious stuff of yesterday (gave me a headache) back to the drivel, much more my style.

I was out yesterday amongst the herd walking the dogs and all 9 of our 2008 cria were in a group following us round the field. Now that they are getting older they are much more inquisitive. I only had my phone with me and it was a dreary overcast day but I took some snaps anyway. It was quite strange, every time I stopped and turned round they stopped and stared.
It was like being followed by the paparazzi I would imagine. Except these were the fluffiest cutest most endearing group of 'paps' around.

They were so sweet, some of stared at me some stared at the dogs. There was a lot of standing around pretending that nothing was going on. As soon as we moved off I could hear their little feet on the grass as they resumed 'the follow', only for them to stop when I stopped. It was like playing some sort of weird outdoor alpaca musical statues, without the music and without the present at the end of it. I'm sure there was some whispering going on too.

From left to right: Reggie, Barney, Blackjack, Millie, Minna, Moselle, Alacazam, Jonah with Juno grazing behind.

We are approaching weaning time with the oldest. The mums will go off for a short break with our good friends Liz and Peter just up the road and the male weanlings will go into the boys paddock with Columbus and Henry.

Then of course halter training will start. One of my favourite alpaca things to do. It's a great excuse to get up close and personal and do something together. Don't you just love them!


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

What a lovely bunch of babies, yes I do love them, there great and huggable !!..I'm often found in the alpaca shed having 'alpaca moments'..nose to nose and face sniffing, with my babies, you just can't get enough of it !! and its nice to be followed in the field, without any other reason than they want to be with you !..nice confident alpacas you just can't beat it, can you.... priceless rewards, money just can't buy....Jayne

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

I like the drivel - Best of all.., so keep drivel-ing ! Jayne, I look forwrd to it !!