Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Lawnmower? Who needs one?

Can I start by saying thanks to you for all the kind comments about Lily and the showteam and for all you people out there who take the trouble to take time out of your day to take an interest in what we are doing here.
I have to say that this 'little blog team' performed extremely well at the Spring show, with many rosettes won. Good on you and lets keep it up. They won't see us coming until its too late and then the world will be ours for the taking (mad professor cackle).

Life in Patouland was a bit more relaxing today. No work for me and young Angus to keep me company. Basically we have belted the leather of a football and he can now spin pass off both hands and execute a very respectable dropkick with a rugby ball. That's my boy!

I was supposed to be cutting the grass as it has grown well in places and is lush. Mmmm. I bet the alpacas would like a bit of that lush grass action I thought. A quick whistle and the herd was up. Garden gate open and in they trotted to get stuck into some nice green stuff. The lawnmower can stay in the shed for a litle bit longer.

Above is Patou Amelie, back from the show enjoying a nice snack in the front garden.

Whilst in the side garden, Lily, Bobby, Ruby, Joy and some other fluffsters tucked in too.

Poppy was soon in on the act and skipped around a bit before settling down for afternoon tea.

Other than that we have had a good couple of days. Penny, now a month old is doing very well and Sue took a lovely 'headshot' photo of her yesterday which i thought I would share with you.

The vet was back yesterday to take some more blood from Lily. The results will give us a good indication of what is going on. She seems to be improving all the time and she has started to regain some weight. In fact she hardly ever seems to stop grazing and galloped up at feeding time this morning. I took this photo of her this afternoon as she modelled her brand new alpaca coat. Very fetching indeed! She is not going anywhere that girl, except maybe to win a show or two next year!!!!!

Right enough of this sitting in front of the old computer, Bangers and mash to prepare for the future captain of the world. The rest of you get back to work.


L said...

Fab idea - hope you've no toxic plants! Lil looks much better.

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

We never cut the back lawn once last year, just let a few excited alpacas on there every now and again!

There is still not that much growth up here yet.

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Hi Mark
What an excellent idea....I can't think of a better lawn mower than a herd of alpaca..(s)!
Penelope looks devine and Lily looks much brighter, she look like she has almost got a smile on her face, with her smart new jacket !!
Keep us posted, This is my daily read !!!.....Im waiting for the little twitters...to come and invade my owl box, failing that it would make a good look-out, if only I could fit ....ha ha...Jayne