The show team of two was carefully and painstakingly selected out of a list of, er, just let me check my list..... er..two eligible alpacas. Last years 'herd clock reset' and our policy of not entering pregnant alpacas means it is a small but perfectly formed show team. Small, perfectly formed and of course, mighty.
The team will be headed by the 'cute as a button' Patou Amelie, seen here in terrifying, 'just about to attack' mode. She is a show veteran and a double rosette winner from last year.
Accompanying Millie is Patou Penelope, equally scrummy looking but much, much meaner. Just like her sister, Poppy, Penny is a bit of a whirling dervish and is partial to a bit of projectile high speed dribbling. Poppy went to the Futurity last year and beforehand I was worried about her performance in the ring. Would she kill or maim anyone? Actually she performed like a princess and only kicked the judge hard once and reserved her spitting for the ring steward. So although I am concerned about Penny's ringcraft, I am hopeful that she will behave.
The weather in the lead up is a concern as I really don't want to be travelling up with two wet alpacas, I need to keep them dry if I can. I also have to finish halter training and load the trailer. This all seems pretty simple but rather annoyingly I have a pretty full week at the day job.
10 hour shifts and a trip somewhere secret on a massive operation could really bugger things up. Not only that but if it does rain heavily all week it could further hinder me.
The new shed now contains all the alpaca 'stuff'. If the field gets wet and boggy it means I will not be able to get the trailer in and out. If the alpacas are in the shed to keep dry they will have to be walked through the predicted rain to get to the trailer. Now, I agree all this does't sound so hard and in reality it probably isn't but it could be easier and that annoys me.
I am due to finish work at 5pm on Thursday, return home load up and head north on the three hour journey to Stoneleigh. Mmmmmm. I fancy they better keep a close eye on me on Thursday afternoon because if I get a sniff of buggering off early, I'll be gone! You would be surprised at how fast I can move over short distances when the need arises.
I may not be able to blog again before I go so good luck to all attending, let's hope it's a good one and if you are a reader of this drivel and are going to Stoneleigh please come and say hello!
good luck!
Millie's half sister Sheenie wishes her good luck!
Good luck for the show.
It is really annoying when the day job gets in the way of alpacaing!
Sarah and Perry
Good Luck...with your Futurity Experience !!....I am quietly confident that Amelie and Penny..will do you justice and their ringcraft..will be perfect !...No doubt you will return glorious !..festooned with ribbons !!!.....its a bugger about the day job isnt it. Fingers crossed for a dry could be could have snow !!....Jayne x
Best of luck. Your show team is small but perfectly formed. Two beautiful girls. I am sure things will go ok. I get what you are saying about the logistics - I always seem to get in a tangle with organising things like that. I think sometimes things are just harder than they could be. Most of all, enjoy yourself and don't spare even a single thought for those of us who can't go... sob.
mum! you don't sob about that.
Quite right Sorcha! Mum you don't sob about that!
We at Patou have made the entire Coire herd (human and animal) honorary members of the mighty Patou tribe and therefore you will be there, in spirit, with us at the Futurity!
Good luck, and see you there.
We'll be there to see the girls do you proud!
now 10 comments!
yes mark
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