Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Update from Patou

Right, I'm back after several days of the day job where I just didn't have time to blog.
Actually that's not strictly true. No, I'm lying to you readers, lying.
'Disgraceful!' I hear you shout as one.
'Why? Why? Oh why must you lie to us Oh leader of the Mighty Patou?' In my head that is what you are all shouting with dismay and a little bit of pain written across your faces.

Well I lied but now I am coming clean, you my valued blog readers who know about all things alpaca need to know the truth. I had Monday off and also Tuesday.
Yes people NO DAY JOB on Monday or Tuesday! 'Erm...... so why no blog' I hear you whisper with a touch of venom.
On Monday we went to a party hosted by a very good friend of mine. It started at lunchtime. I'm afraid readers I over indulged .......ever so slightly. As a result Monday was out. The hangover on Tuesday sort of ruled me out of any sort of coherent thought, so that was that.
Anyway, there we are. One day I might learn. Or not.

First of all an update on the magnificent Qjori. This evening we had a visit from a vet from Animal Health to take some blood for a Blue Tongue test. A result of being driven across Europe. Qjori is such a placid boy, it was a doddle.
Just as a matter of interest I have been following the Inca Lord's instructions for an imported alpaca. A dose of wormer and some Baycox Bovis to knock anything on the head on arrival and since then a week long course of Antacid tablets to settle his stomach. He has settled in extremely well in fact and seems to be enjoying his new life.

Here he is pictured enjoying the sunshine in front of some truly amazing fence work by me. Ok, it doesn't look pretty but it does work.....................most of the time. Qjori will be shorn soon by the Inca Sculptor. He has 7 months fleece on him and will be horrendously overfleeced next Spring. No pressure your Incaness but he needs to look good old son!

Anyway onto some shots of the mighty Patou Show Team who are all looking fabulous darling.
First up is the black beauty that is Patou Runa. Mwah mwah she is so gooooorgeous!

Next is little Patou Rico, a very handsome little black fellow.

Thirdly is the surprise package of the herd, Patou Reeya daughter of Dee our oldest girl. Reeya has the most gorgeous light brown fleece. Really something special.

Now we move into serious territory with a picture of the Popham busting, Hobgoblin trashing Patou Roger the Resilient!

And finally the chunky monkey herself Patou Ruby May, 85 kilos of muscle and beard.

Right, enough of that drivel I'm off to root out some food.


L said...

The new boy and the young uns look very nice indeed!

Unknown said...

They really are looking mighty good Mark...and they all pose so beautifully!

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

It's o.k Mark, we've all got a bit of d.i.y internal division fencing that's light-weight but does the job - nice pictures of the troupe, just hope the bearded lady isn't a sign that you are going into circus performing!

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

The quality..of the Mighty plain to see....strangely enough so is the fencing....but somehow..that doesn't look up to the quality control standards...!! and the bearded lady looks splendid..glad to see Roger ..looking so...handsome !......Jayne

Amiryck said...

Looking good Mark, the alpacas that is, not you by the sound of it! and couldn't possibly comment on the fencing. Look forward to seeing them all in the flesh!