Saturday, 29 November 2008


Occasionally you come across moments of sheer brilliance. Last night was one of those occasions.

Let me set the scene. As some of you may know I am good buddies with the Lord Mayor of Incaworld and have the pleasure of using herdsires from his impressive line up.

The latest male, and undoubtedly the star of the show, is the mighty, nay awesome, Lillyfield Jack of Spades.

We had the big fellow here for a few days over the late summer months and he was introduced to some of the Patou girls. For some inexplicable reason that we shall put down to 'that's life' not many fell pregnant.

A few days ago I read in the entertaining Amiryck blog (Inca splinter group Karen and Richard) that they had a very good success rate with the splendid Mr Spades.

I commented, enquiring " Well done, did you have low lighting, soft music and a glass of bubbly for Jack?"

The response was a highly entertaining piece of brilliance which I would urge you all to look at as a matter of urgency. is the site, blogspot url is check out the blog entitled 'In answer to your comment Mark'.

Make sure to achieve the full effect that you have your speakers turned on with the volume up.

Brilliance, sheer brilliance.


Amiryck said...

Glad you enjoyed url for anyone who can't find it is

I am always up for a bit of entertainment!!!!

Lorna Penfold said...

Love it! Godd ole Barry White, works every time lol!xxx

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Ahh.....The king of Love, good old Barry White....excellent piece of blogging...let the love flow !!!...Jayne

L said...

Wait till you see our herdsire advert for next spring........

Patou Alpacas said...


I demand a sneak preview!!

L said...

Oh I don't know about that. I will see what I can do. Don't want to spoil the big Reveal!!!! At the moment the concept is a sketch pinned to our fridge door and the rest is in my head, so not sure how illuminating showing you that would be! It will be worth the wait though......