I mentioned in an earlier blog we have been blessed with another wretched jaw abscess. This time it is Henry our first ever cria. He has been wethered and is such a lovely boy he will stay with us as company for Columbus and the other boys. He is pictured below a few weeks ago.

We think he had an abscess in his first year that we didn't know about as his lower jawbone is thicker on one side than the other. We had been checking him regularly with the rest of the herd and a couple of weeks ago I noticed that this thickening now had a lump on it.
Abscesses now throw me into action pretty rapidly and I was quickly out with a big syringeful of Nuflor. After three doses the lump has all but gone which is great news, we will keep the course going for 5 weeks and hopefully that will be the end of that. Well here's hoping anyway.
The little lad with rickets, Orchard Blackjack, seems to be improving too. He became very stiff legged and I have been treating him with AD&E , Ketofen (anti-inflammatory) and some special lamb treatment that is full of molasses and bits and bobs. He is now looking livelier and has started to regain some of the weight that he lost when he was too stiff and sore to be bothered about eating. He is still not quite right but we are very pleased that he seems to be over the worst of it.
I hope to return soon with some photos with the new camera but the day job, the weather and the co-owner of the camera are all conspiring against me!
Oh dear - those pesky ulcers! Hope he recovers fully soon. I have a mouth ulcer from too much New Year clootie dumpling and home made custard from our own eggs...... yum!
Hi Mark,
I feel for you. We've been out with the Nuflor over Christmas too. One more dose to go. The lump is reduced, but not gone. Drat. I might be ringing you about Lily's op.
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