Thursday, 25 February 2010


Well me and two very wet girls have landed at the Futurity. I am posting via my Blackberry which is at the very limit of my technical ability. I am currently at thebar and very hot for some reason, it jas been a long dau, a long wet day! Tomorrow I will try and post a picture! Woohoo get $e!


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Glad you got there safe and sound !...get the hair dryer out....not for you !.....mind...Poppy and Penny !!....Enjoy your day...looking forward to the photos.....Good Luck.....Jayne

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Receiving you loud and clear - but coming to join in tomorrow, though on Jury Service and looks like we'll not be sent out 'til 12 ish so going to miss lots of seminars etc. and may not see any show groups 'til saturday - still, an evening in Leamington Spa may be compensation. Looks like there can't be a dry alpaca in the country at the moment - and if there is, it's probably covered in bits of straw.

Unknown said...

He Mark,
Marieke (my wife) will be there (at the Futurity). I have seen it last year. Great show. Hope you have a lot of succes. Just red some older articles on your blog. Really had to laugh about the Christmas story (22-12). You are all crazy, ha, ha....
Wish you all te best in the coming days. Many greetings, Leo

Perry Wheeler said...

Impressive mastery of technology! Good luck at the show. Go the mighty Patou!

Henny14 said...

hope they do well!

L said...

Please keep us posted. Between you and your BlackBerry and Rolf and his mobile blogging we should get the picture! Say hi to everyone from the Mighty Coire herd!