Saturday, 31 January 2009

Poor Lily

I would like to post an open invitation to all and sundry to pitch up here at Patouland and hoof me as hard as possible in the rear end. We have had an accident here involving Lily (our favourite alpaca in the whole wide world) for which I take full responsibility.

The plan was to start weaning today and move the mums to our friends place down the road where they can put on some condition and leave us here to start halter training. All was going well until we arrived at Liz's (5 minutes down the road) and started to unload. Lily was lying down and it became apparent that her foot had been trapped in the trailer door. I quickly released her but unfortunately half of one of her toes had been severed.

Sue and I have no idea how this happened. We were both there shutting the trailer door. There was no undue resistance, no noise from any of the alpacas and no inkling that someone had been trapped. It must have happened there as I don't see how else it can have happened.

Our vet has been out and examined Lily, she has had the wound cleaned and dressed, had antibiotcs painkillers and she is now in the garden with her sister Lola. She seems fine and has been tearing into the food I have given her. The vet thinks she will make a full recovery and is not worried.

However, I still feel that it is my fault and the invitation to kick my behind remains open. Believe me if I could do it I would.


Lorna Penfold said...

I think you are more hurt and upset than any kick up the backside would do! These things happen, don't beat yourselves up, Lily is fine, thank goodness!
Take Care xxx

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Oh Mark .... sake!......shes been in the wars lately, and you couldn't possible know about this mishap today ! long as she is comfortable and there appears to be no long term damage with her being able to walk etc.

Its just as well we don't know what the future has in store for us !...I hope that she will soon recover for you and try not to blame yourself too much...we're only human and we all make mistakes on our journey through this world...the only thing you can do is just look after her extra special as she heals.
What an auwful experience !!! Jayne

L said...

Oh Mark, we at Coireland are very sad to hear of your accident. Please try not to be too hard on yourself - no matter how careful you are sometimes things happen to the things you love the most. It sounds like Lily will bounce back so all is not lost! Lucy

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

It was an accident Mark and Lily knows that, so don't beat yourself up too much.

Perry Wheeler said...

'Stuff' happens (This is a family blog).

we learn from experience - I bet everyone who's read this (us included) will now be doing an extra check as we close the door.