Monday, 18 February 2013


After yesterdays excitement at the sight of thick gravy and the possible sighting of an alpaca 'bean' I am disappointed to report that we are back to a thinner variety of gravy again this morning.

He has put on another 100 grams, that's six days of consecutive weight gains so I mustn't grumble but I am concerned that the diarrhoea isn't easing, we are now into week 5 of squitsville.

I am loathe to change his regime at the moment as I don't want anything interfering with the Bovine Colostrum, I am sure that it is helping him and I want to make sure that he is getting the full benefit of it. 

I have had many suggestions of what to treat him for (which I am very grateful for) so to keep you all better informed he has been treated as follows:

Born 11th July 2012.
27th July - Lambivac (1) and wormed (Panomec)
27th August - Lambivac (2)
20th September - wormed (Panomec), monthly ADE injections started
2nd October - Baycox Bovis (Coccidia)
17th November - 5ml of Fasinex (Liver Fluke) condition scored as 4 on the 1-5 scale
30th November - Blood taken for Enferplex TB test - very skinny! Fecal sample submitted - Nematodirus found - treated with Panacur and Zolvix wormers. Treated with Baycox as a precaution.
Weaned and housed in the shed. Weight fluctuates between 15 and 18 kilos.
19th January - Diarrhoea started. Baycox given.
21st January - 3 day course of anti-biotics (Baytril) Pro-rumen and Kaogel started three times a day.
31st January - Baycox (second dose)
1st February - Further fecal sample shows presence of Giardia. 5 day course of Panacur drench prescribed.
9th February - Transfaunation from an adult female.
10th February - Start twice daily doses of Bovine Colostrum (1ml per kilo of body weight)
12th February - Multi-vitamin injections started.
13th February - Starts to gain weight but diarrhoea still present.
14th February - Twice daily doses of Goats whole milk yoghurt started.

So there you have it, you now have the full picture.

This morning he was play fighting with his 'cell-mate' Thor, I am not sure Tsar wanted to play but he got stuck in nevertheless.


Judi B said...

Come on Tsar...this is not what we want to hear! Give us shiny beans and 500g tomorrow ...please!

L said...

Thanks for that list Mark.