Friday, 25 July 2008

The Four Tops are here! Well most of them.

Busy couple of days for me here. After Wednesdays exertions with the mighty Inca herd I completely forgot to mention that before I had set off with Angus that morning we had a new arrival. I was just doing a quick check round the field when a little wobbly head on a little wobbly neck appeared from beside one of the girls. Avon Water Monique, a lovely medium brown Sinbad girl had just given birth to a beautiful medium fawn Centurion girl.

We must have just missed it but quickly made sure all was ok and left them to it, always best. She has turned out to be a very good looking female. Here she is at a day old with Mum, who can now be sheared in a few days time.

We are waiting for a name from her owner so at the moment she is just referred to as 'the little one'. She was actually a healthy 7.5 kilos at birth and was very quickly up and exploring.

That's five down and five to go for us, girls shading it so far at 3 -2.

Last night the elite boys of the mighty Patou shearing team turned up for some more action.

Charlie and Kevin have been very kind in helping with the shearing, I simply couldn't do it without them. They are very quick to point out the bits I have missed or not done to their satisfaction, very quick indeed in fact. Each animal is scrutinised as it wanders off and I am gently reminded what I have done well and which bits I need to work on.

I have always been a great fan of banter and as a disher outer all my life I always enjoy receiving some back, great fun. Of course they then drink all my beer afterwards and Charlie even invited himself for a chilli supper last night, the flipping cheek!

We only have ten alpacas left to shear now, one more batch of youngsters and then the heavily pregnant girls shortly after they have given birth.

I must say I enjoy seeing the herd newly sheared I think it is when alpacas look at their best. I know its all about the fleece etc but you can really see them, they are velvety, graceful, somehow vulnerable and as cute as buttons. Although I have to say in my first year of shearing (23 alpacas and counting so far) some of them look a little, how shall I put it, alternative. Heads and tails are simply not my strong piece. It takes a lot of practice to get heads and tails right. I think I am going in the right direction but I have some way to go. I need to visit the master once more for more guidance.

We are honoured here at Patou this weekend, we have the pleasure of the company of the mighty ATA Cambridge Centurion, Canchones Witness of Inca and Lillyfield Jack of Spades of Inca. They were dropped off by Ben last night and are currently grazing in our small paddock in front of the house

When I went out a 6.30 this morning to check everyone I had forgotten they were here. I looked into the small paddock and there they were standing in a line facing me. I couldn't believe my eyes. The Drifters or three quarters of The Four Tops were here. All those boys needed was some red satin trousers, flouncy shirts and some microphones and we were right back in the 70's. Set me off on a very good footing for the day. Sadly I didn't have my camera with me and they have taken umbrage at my laughter and simply will not form up again.

After breakfast it was on with some matings, spit offs and scannings. Both Patou Bobby and Tisbury Bella scanned wonderfully positive which was excellent news. We are off to do a bit of mobile mating tomorrow and then the boys go back to the new kingdom of Inca, if I can find it that is!

1 comment:

Gerry said...

Maybe not the Four Tops but more importantly the Six Nuts or the Three......well you take my meaning! Gerry - Coire Alpacas