However, 6 days have now passed, 4 of which I was at hiss, so I am here now having been woken up again by the most impatient labrador in the world.
I was going to write a blog yesterday but it just never happened.
I had arranged to meet the heads of the Inca tribe at their old home to help them move out. I had forgotten that Inca time is an hour behind the rest of us so was hideously early. Silly me, must remember next time.
Anyway, we were joined by the warriors from Amiryck and much heavy lifting accompanied by a fair modicum of grunting ensued.
I had to leave early to go and lie down............. I mean because we had friends coming over for afternoon tea, don't you know. Oh very lah-dee-dah.
I arrived home in time for a quick once round the field with the dogs and the kettle was on.
Our friends arrived at 4 and we had a nice time on the patio catching up with each others news. Tea and biscuits somehow morphed into beer and chips which subsequently changed into rather a lot of wine and putting the world to rights. Before we knew it, it was dark. No blog last night then.
So what of the world of Patou so far this year? This is our third year in the wonderful world of alpacas and we are way ahead of where we thought we would be when we started.
There are 28 alpacas out in the field now, over half of them run with patou blood in their veins. We have one girl yet to give birth. Avon Water Veronique. 'Ronnie' is due at the end of September and is a lovely looking light fawn girl sired by Wessex Fernando. She is pregnant to the impressive Cambridge In The Groove, who resides north of the border in the kingdom of Coire. I know Gerry and Lucy are keen to see what Groove produces and so we are all waiting eagerly. Ronnie still has a way to go but clearly has a little pot bellie and I'm sure she will produce something gorgeous.
Of the rest, we have had ups and downs this year. Sadly we still have the memories of the two boys who were stillborn, it is little comfort that there was nothing we could have done in either case.
On a more positive note there are eight healthy cria outside, four boys and four girls. Four of them will have the prefix Patou and we are very pleased with our new additions. Particularly Patou Amelie, the daughter of my most favourite alpaca in the whole wide world, Lily. She kept us waiting but produced a beautiful cria.

'Millie' is a sort of smoky brown colour with an even more sort of smokey brown coloured head. We think she looks fabulous but then we would.
Patou Jonah sired by Witness is a huge lump and is almost as big as his mother, and he's only two months old. Priscilla must have some seriously good stuff in there. Jonah was 10 kilos when he was born and we stopped weighing him a while ago when he hit 25 kgs!
Patou Alacazam, a Centurion boy, Al for short, is quite simply the sparkliest alpaca we have ever seen. He looks wet all the time and we think he could be special, hence the name. We will see.

The baby of the herd is our little Killawasi lad, Patou Barney, a handsome little fellow who always looks ready to enter a show ring. We have called him Barney but will probably register him as Patou Peruvian Killawasi's Perfect Prince King Royal Man about town, or something, just in case.
So there you are readers the latest drivel from the faraway fairytale land of patou.